Monday, August 3, 2015

11 Months Old!!!

Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe Emerson is just one month away from turning one years old!  That last month really did fly by fast!  This whole year has really flown by!  This last month has been a really fun one full of surprises from Emerson.  He has now learned how to pull himself up on the furniture and is able to walk around when he's holding on.  The only frustrating part about that now is that he is always pulling the movies off the shelf and opening the drawers in the kitchen.  We baby proofed the ones that are lower but now that he can pull himself up, I guess we need to start baby proofing the higher up ones too.  He really likes to go into the kitchen and look out the back door at all the kids playing on the playground.  You can definitely tell he wants to be outside because anytime we open the door, he makes a run for it and tries to get outside.

We celebrated Emerson's first 4th of July by going to the park and watching the parade!  We went to a firework show the weekend before since Jordan had to work on the 4th and Emerson loved it.  We were far enough away I think where the noise didn't scare him but close enough to be able to see and he was absolutely mesmerized by all the colors.

The week after the 4th, we went to my family reunion in Ashton.  Emerson was a big hit haha.  He was crawling all over the place and definitely was keeping me on my toes due to the fact that there were stairs and sharp corners on fireplaces haha.  He had a hard time sleeping while we were there since we had to share a room and he is the lightest sleeper ever but it was still really fun and he did a really good job being away from home for a week.

Right now, some of Emerson's favorite things to do are look at himself in the mirror (he gets the BIGGEST grin on his face), play with the TV remote and the Xbox controller, crawl on the couch and stand up to look out the window, chasing mommy and daddy around the kitchen and being chased in return, playing in the bath, and swimming.  The first time we took him to Rexburg Rapids, he was not a fan but I think it was because of all the noise and it was super crowded that day.  We took him again recently and he had lots of fun splashing and kicking his legs.  He has that froggy kick down. He's definitely going to be a swimmer.  I want to get him into swim lessons next summer maybe since he was definitely born to be in the water.  He LOVES the bath!  When he hears the bath going, he books it down the hall and stands at the bath just waiting to get in.  He likes to lean over and stick his hands in the water while it's filling up and once he's in the bath, it's non-stop splashing.  I have to mop up the floor every night with a towel because he splashes so much.  I'm glad he likes the bath though because if he hated it, it would be very difficult getting him clean haha.

He really likes to sit and watch movies with me

His favorite toy

I promise he looked a lot happier before I got the camera out haha

Emerson has also turned into quite the little terror.  He loves to dump his toys all over the room and then throw them around.  After he's dumped his toys, he goes for the books and the movies which I'm not too fond of because that just means more cleaning for me haha.  He's also discovered how to turn the Xbox on and off so whenever I'm watching Netflix, he'll walk over to the Xbox and shut it off.  It was funny the first time, now it's just annoying haha.  He's also in the lovely temper tantrum phase.  He know that he's not supposed to be getting into certain things but that doesn't stop him.  I'll pick him up and move him so that he's not getting into things and then he lets out big screams and cries for a little bit.  Luckily they aren't full blown temper tantrums but he's starting to have little ones.

Dumped his toys and now he's heading for the diapers

The screaming temper tantrum face

He found the toilet paper....

Doctor Update:
Emerson went to the doctor again to get his measured this last week and unfortunately there hasn't been much improvement.  His first checkup was great because he had gone down a whole 3 millimeters (down to a 7) but he's been stuck at a 6 for the last month.  The doctor is hoping that he'll go through a growth spurt and then show more improvements at his next appointment.  I hope so too because I would love to get that thing off his head before he is one!

All in all, this month has been fun with lots of little surprises from our crazy boy.  Even though he's turning into a little terror, he's still tons of fun and definitely keeps us on our toes.  This next month is going to be a crazy one and probably a sad one for me since he's growing up so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital having him and now it's already been almost a year!  Hopefully he'll be walking by next month and saying more words :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

10 Months Old!!!

I can't believe Emerson is already in the double digits!  Just two more months until he will be 1!!  It seems like just yesterday I was going to the hospital getting ready to have him.  It's crazy how fast time flies, especially when you're having fun.  Emerson has been so much fun lately.  Even though he's turning into a little terror, he is so much fun and definitely keeps Jordan and I on our toes.  He learned to crawl about a month ago and ever since, he has been all over the place.  He recently figured out how to open up the cupboards in the kitchen so he likes to get into those which doesn't make me very happy.  His favorite cupboard to get into is the one that has all my pyrex glass dishes so I think it's about that time to get some child locks for the cupboards.  He also has recently learned to pull himself and likes to get up and pull the magnets off the fridge.  One of his favorite spots in the kitchen though is the back door.  He loves being able to sit up and look out the window.

He loves pulling himself up on his walker

Emerson now has 8 teeth!! They came in pretty quick.  After those first two on the bottom popped through, they all just started popping through really fast.  He can now eat pretty much anything since he has the teeth to chew and he really does like to eat just about anything we give him.  We gave him a pickle once and he took a huge chunk out of it.  He's definitely my son if he loves pickles haha.  His favorite food right now is still probably squash.  Whenever I feed him squash for dinner, he just scarfs it down.  I'm trying to get him to start drinking out of sippy cups now that he has teeth because he just likes to chew on the bottle and play with it rather than drink out of it.  Silly kid.

His favorite room in the house right now is definitely the bathroom.  I always have to keep the door closed because he knows exactly where to go and makes a beeline for the bathroom and tries to get into everything.  He loves the bath so much so I think that's why he really likes to go to the bathroom because he knows the bath is in there.  He gets SUPER excited when he hears the bath filling up.  He crawls over to the bathroom really fast and starts squealing.  He would probably spend all day in the bath if he could.

For Father's Day this year, Emerson I put together a little photoshoot for Jordan.  It was Jordan's first official Father's Day so it was fun being able to surprise him and do something other than just buying him a tie haha.  He already has plenty of those!
This is what we framed for Jordan for his Father's Day present.  It looks so cute in the frame and all set up on our dresser.

Wearing daddy's favorite hat

It was actually a lot harder than it looks to hold him up like this haha he's so heavy!

Happy Father's Day daddy!!!

Doctor Update:
At Emerson's last doctors appointment, his head was measuring very well.  We were originally told that he would probably need the helmet for about 6 months but at our last appointment, the doctor said since he was measuring so well, he'd probably only need it for a couple more months!  He has another appointment on Monday so fingers crossed that his numbers are good and that he won't have to have the helmet for much longer because the summer with that helmet is not fun haha.

Random Emerson facts:
-Weighs about 21 pounds!
-Wears 12-18 month clothes
-Size 4 diapers
-Ready for a front facing car seat but is unfortunately still too young :(
-Loves being able to move around freely
-We had to lower the crib a couple weeks ago since he can now pull himself up to standing
-Loves to pull himself up to the couch and grab the remote controls
-Finds a lot of joy in imitating the things Jordan and I say or do
-Says's momma and dada (will only say dada in a whisper though)
-Momma was officially his first word :)

He really enjoyed sitting in that laundry basket

Emerson's first splash pad experience.  He was not a fan haha.

He really likes Disney movies.  Definitely my kid!

What a little sneak

We took Emerson to the flight museum here in town.  He really liked sitting in that old jeep.

Emerson's pals, Karson and Mason.  He absolutely loves playing with Karson.  He gets the biggest smile on his face and loves to chase him around.  So happy that he has a friend he can play with while we're here in Rexburg.

Emerson loves to play with Karson

This last month has sure been a fun one full of little surprises.  Emerson is learning so much and is definitely soaking it all in.  He has his own little quirks that I absolutely love.  He's in that phase where he doesn't like to sit through church so I don't really get much out of the lessons these days but it's good that he's understanding that church is where we go every Sunday.  I'm excited to see what new and fun things Emerson has in store for us this coming month.  Maybe next month I'll be able to report on him walking!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

9 Months Old!

Wow!  I can't believe another month has already come and gone.  Emerson is growing so fast I just can't take it.  I look back at old pictures from when he was first born and it's just crazy to me that he was once that small...and quiet haha.  Emerson is quite the little talker/screamer.  He likes to say mom and momma...except he thinks Jordan is mom which is not ok with me haha.  He tries to say dada but I don't think he quite understands what he's saying.  He says baba too but I think it's the same story, he just says it but doesn't know what it means.  He is quite the screamer these days too.  He likes to scream at the top of his lungs to get our attention or to just do it.  It's not that big of a deal unless we're sitting in church trying to take the sacrament and then he goes to town.  He's usually pretty good during church but he's been getting pretty restless lately so we have to bring lots of distractions with us.

Emerson is a very good eater!  Last month he would barely even touch solid foods but now he just scarfs them down.  He'll finish a whole container of food in about 5 minutes sometimes.  His favorite food right now is squash.  He eats that super fast.  He's still not the biggest fan of fruit but he's getting better with it.  He actually enjoys eating applesauce now.  He does really like the vegetables though.  Hopefully that continues as he gets a little older.

Emerson has 4 teeth that have fully popped through and 3 more that are really close behind.  Those ones will probably pop through within the next day or two.  After the first tooth on the top popped through, the other ones just started popping through like crazy.  Definitely not taking his time with the whole teething process.  We decided to go buy a baby toothbrush and toothpaste for him yesterday since he's got a lot of teeth now.  We brushed his teeth today for the first time and he sure seemed to enjoy it.  It was probably a really nice gum massage for those teeth that are so close haha.

Love those two cute little teeth on the bottom

Some of Emerson's favorite things to do lately are lay on the floor and move backwards and in circles (still not crawling forward just yet), enjoys spitting at me and Jordan, loves to play with Jordan when he comes home from work, he loves his bouncer and playing with his toys, and his most favorite thing of all time is taking his helmet off and getting in the bath.  He gets so excited to get in the bath that when he hears the water running, he starts flailing and going crazy trying to get in.  He's also learned what it means now when I start draining the water from the bath.  As soon as I pull the plug, he pushes all his toys aside and reaches up for me to pick him up and take him out.  It's so funny that he knows what that means now.  He has learned how to grab mine and Jordan's hands and put them under his arms when he wants to be picked up.  It's pretty cute haha.

He loves sitting on the floor and playing with all his toys

We went to the doctor last week to have Emerson's head measured and he's measuring really well.  Hopefully that means we won't have to have the helmet for as long as they originally told us he would need it.

As of a week or two ago, Emerson weighs 20 pounds but I'm pretty sure it's more than that now.  That kid is heavy!  He grew out of 6-9 month clothes really fast and is already up in the 12 and 12-18 month clothes.  Makes it a little harder for us to buy clothes for him because he wears them once and then is already ready for the next size up.  What a little chunker haha.

We took Emerson to Yellowstone for the first time last weekend and he seemed to enjoy it.  He really liked getting out of his carseat and being able to look at all the different things and places we stopped at.  He started to get grumpy when we were about 20 minutes from home but other than that, he did a pretty good job with it.  It was really fun being able to take him there.  Me and Jordan hadn't really been since before I got pregnant so it was nice being able to go again.

Emerson enjoyed being pushed around by his little buddy Karson

I think that's just about it for the Emerson update.  He is healthy and growing well but way too fast for my liking ;)  I'm excited to see what this next month has in store for us.  Hopefully some crawling forward instead of just backwards and in circles haha.

Monday, May 4, 2015

8 Months Old!

This post is a little late and will probably be a little short.  The last couple weeks have been pretty crazy.  Jordan came back to Rexburg to get the apartment set up and put furniture together while Emerson and I stayed at my parents house in Washington for those 2 weeks.  They brought us back down to Rexburg on Friday and it's been crazy trying to get everything all unpacked and moved in.

Just some quick Emerson updates.  He now has 2 teeth!  He got his first one last month and then his second one came through while we were at my parents house.  He's getting pretty big too.  Over 20 pounds now!  He was getting too heavy for me while we were at my parents house so whenever we would go out, I would struggle trying to hold him haha.  He's also super squirmy and wants to look all over the place so it makes it hard to hold him and walk around a store.  He was in 6-9 month clothes before we left for Washington and now he is in 9 and 12 month clothes!  He grew quite a bit while we were away.  Thank goodness my mom spoiled him with new clothes haha.

Emerson can now officially hold his bottle all by himself and feed himself which is really nice for me.  He does get lazy on occasion and I have to feed him but there are days where he'll just take the bottle and go to town all by himself.  It's really nice because it allows me to get more things done and feed myself as well.

Emerson loves those Gerber puffs!  Whenever we get them out, he reaches right for them and tries to put all of them in his mouth.  It's pretty funny when we're holding one out for him and he'll just take our whole hand and stick it in his mouth in order to get the puffs.  Jordan and I are also pretty sure that he's now a lefty.  He grabs things a lot more with his left hand.  Gonna make things a lot more difficult for us since neither of us are lefty's haha.  He is also super close to crawling.  He can get up on his hands and knees and he rocks back and forth and will occasionally scoot forward but he doesn't do it very often.  Hopefully he'll start crawling soon because you can tell that he gets super frustrated not being able to move all over the place.

We went to the doctor today and got Emerson's helmet.  So far he is doing pretty good with it.  He doesn't like it when we initially put it on him but he calms down after a couple minutes and then is totally fine with it.  The one downside to the helmet is that it makes him sweat A LOT.  And not just on his head, his whole body.  Probably gonna make summer this year pretty rough on him so we'll just have to make sure not to layer him up too much or anything.

Well, that's about it for his 8 month checkup.  He had some pretty big milestones which was really nice and fun for me and Jordan.  Sorry for no pictures and the shortness of the post.  I will try to post some pictures a little later after Jordan and I have gotten all settled in and unpacked.

Hanging out on grandpa's rocking horse
Sitting on grandpa's old rocking chair
He liked the leather haha
Hopefully a future piano player :)
Yeah, it was kinda bright that day haha
Riding on the lawn mower with grandpa
Got his helmet this week
So happy that he can hold his bottle all on his own now
He enjoyed his first bubble bath :)
He's got 2 teeth now!!
He's kind of obsessed with selfie mode haha

Friday, April 3, 2015

7 Months Old

Oh boy!  I can't believe how fast this last month has gone by.  I feel like I was just writing the 6 month update and now Emerson is already 7 months!  The time has flown by so fast.  It seems like just yesterday I was in labor with him.  When they say they grow too fast, it sure is true.  I love that he's growing and learning new things everyday but I do miss those times when he was still super small and just wanted to get cuddles from mom.  It's a miracle if I can even get him to fall asleep in my arms let alone cuddle.  I think in the last 5 months, I've gotten him to fall asleep in my arms maybe 3 or 4 times haha little stinker.  Mom needs cuddles too!

Where to start, where to start.  Emerson has learned so many new things this last month, it's been so much fun!  He has officially learned to sit up on his own now.  He actually learned right after his 6 month mark so it's been a while since he was able to do that but he's pretty stable now and I can leave him on the floor for long periods of time by himself.  I'll still put a pillow behind him just in case he decides to topple over (which he does on occasion) but he's really good at sitting by himself.  He loves being able to sit.  Whenever he's laying down, he tries his hardest to get up on his own.  He loves being able to sit up and play with all his toys.  He didn't really play much with his toys before but now that he knows how to sit, he plays with them a lot.  His favorite toys right now are his stackable rings, his shape blocks, and a soft cube with different activities on it that my mom gave him for Christmas.  He loves to take the blocks and dump them all over the place and then chew on the lid to the container.  Of all things to love about that toy, he chooses the lid haha.  I'm really happy that he can keep himself entertained now because I don't always have to be sitting with him 24/7 which gives me time to get things done or just have a little time to myself.

Haha he looks a little tired here

Another one of Emerson's favorite toys right now is his bouncer that Grandma and Grandpa Fuhriman got him.  It can keep him entertained for quite some time.  He loves being able to jump up and down and play with all the fun little toys on it.  His favorite toy on the bouncer is a little dragonfly.  I'm pretty sure it's his favorite because it's small enough to get in his mouth and stay there for long periods of time haha.

Not sure what it is about that tired look...maybe it's the flash from the camera haha

Another one of Emerson's favorite things to do other than sitting up is rolling over.  He's been rolling over for quite some time now but he's gotten really quick at it.  I literally turn around for not even a full second and he's already rolled over to his belly.  He likes to roll over and then try to get into all the things that he shouldn't have such as computer cords and the rug.  His new favorite thing to do when he rolls over now is to grab the end of the rug and stick it in his mouth.  Drives me nuts haha I think he's starting to understand stern mommy voice because when I don't want him to do something, I say his name in a stern voice and he stops and just turns around and looks at me.  Hopefully he keeps that up so I don't have to constantly fight with him about those things haha.

He's a little rollie pollie 

He likes to mess with my DVD's which I'm not too thrilled about.  I'm super OCD about my DVD's being organized haha.

Emerson has been eating solids for a little while now but we've started trying lots of new things with him.  He doesn't like fruit all that much.  He actually prefers the vegetables over the fruits which is funny to me.  I guess the fruits are too sweet for him.  He really likes green beans and squash.  Squash is his favorite right now.  His favorite fruit are apples even though he doesn't like them all that much but it's pretty much the only fruit he'll eat.  We tried giving him some apple juice recently and he seemed to like it but I'm not sure it sat too well with the formula because that whole day he kept puking.  He doesn't eat much of the solid food but he'll eat a little bit.  He used to eat more but recently he's only been eating a few spoonfuls so hopefully that changes soon because I would love to see him eating more "big people" food.

He sure was a mess that night but he was clearly having a good time haha

He loves to steal the spoon from me

Jordan's family came to town to visit a few weeks ago and while they were here, we took Emerson swimming at his hotel.  I thought for sure he would love the pool considering how much he loves the bath but boy was I wrong.  He hated it unfortunately.  I think it was because the water was too cold for him though and it was pretty loud in the pool area so hopefully next time we try to take him swimming, he'll actually enjoy it.

Yeah, he wasn't too thrilled...

"Why did you just put me through this mom?!"

Just some fun random facts about Emerson during this last month:
-He has a tooth coming in.  It's just about to fully break through and the second one isn't that far behind!  He does pretty good with teething.  Doesn't seem to bother him at all.
-He is now 20 pounds!
-Still absolutely LOVES the bath and splashing around.
-Loves to roll onto his belly and scoot backwards and turn around in circles.  He's pretty mobile.  He's able to get himself around the room pretty well by scooting backwards and turning.
-Tries to say mama and tonight tried to say baba (bottle).
-He really enjoys screaming in order to get attention.  He also likes to talk over me.  Whenever I'm talking to Jordan, he'll scream louder and as I get louder, he gets louder haha.
-He's very smart.  When I say "where's dada?" he'll look at the door (if Jordan is at work) or he'll look at Jordan.  He's not 100% sure on "where's mama?" but he's getting there.
-He enjoys going on walks.
-Recently found out that he loves the swings at the park.  He was a little confused when we took him down the slide so that might take a little getting used to.
-He really likes to eat puffs (apple cinnamon to be exact which is funny considering he doesn't like apples all that much).
-Enjoys Disney movies (just like his mama)

Sitting in the bath like a big boy and playing with his toys :)

Sometimes those walks wear him out

Such a little cutie :)

Emerson has been quite the little bundle of joy this last month.  It's been so much fun to watch him grow and learn new things.  He is so smart and really comprehends a lot and picks up on things pretty quick.  He is always laughing and smiling and rarely cries.  He is such a good kid which makes life a lot easier on Jordan and I.  He has his off days where he is grumpy and doesn't want anything to do with being happy but we're lucky enough to only have those days every once in a blue moon.

Doctor Update:
We took Emerson to the doctor a couple weeks ago to have his head looked at and measured to see if he was going to need a helmet.  Ever since he was born, he has always slept on his side so his head has always seemed a little lopsided.  I didn't think it was too bad and it looked like it was starting to round itself out but when we went to the doctor, he told us that Emerson will definitely need to get a helmet unfortunately.  His head is pretty lopsided from all that side sleeping when he was really little.  One of his ears sits a whole inch further forward than the other one making it seem like one ear just sticks out further than the other.  The helmet will bring his other half of his head forward making his head even and rounding everything out.  He will probably need the helmet for at least 5 or 6 months so he'll have to have it during those hot summer months unfortunately.  I was pretty upset when the doctor was giving us all the numbers because I just felt so bad for Emerson.  Luckily the doctor said that most kids do totally fine with it and don't even really realize it's there.  Jordan and I are planning on decorating it though so that it'll be a little more personalized and make the whole helmet process a little bit easier on us.  Here's to this new adventure and hopefully everything works out for the best :)